Never forget the basic rule: first listen to what is happening on the frequency you will be broadcasting on! After hearing no one on the frequency, you should ask “Is this frequency busy?” or “QRZ?”. Sometimes before transmission it is necessary to tune the transmitter (or antenna tuner). Tuning should […]
No matter the mode of communication, our conversations must be related to the radio amateur hobby. Ham radio is a hobby related to the technique of radio communications in the broad sense of these words. We shouldn’t be using ham radio to broadcast a shopping list for dinner… Some of […]
A QSO is radio contact between two or more hams – a two-way radio connection. Can: to make a general call (CQ), to answer someone’s CQ or to call someone who has just ended their connection with another station. there are other options, but we will focus on them according […]
Repeaters serve primarily to extend the coverage area of portable and mobile VHF/UHF radios. Digipiters and other forms of retransmission in digital modes of operation will not be considered, since things are more or less automatic there. To be “on your side” with the terminology, we will mention what is […]
There are three options depending on the specific case, whether he wants an LZ initial and how long he is staying in Bulgaria. A foreign radio amateur can make radio connections from Bulgaria without submitting an application to the CRC and wishes to use his own initial, under the following […]
Radio amateurs Class 1, possessing an identification mark (initial, call sign) can request to be issued by CRC a CEPT and/or HAREC certificate of eligibility. The CEPT certificate allows radio amateurs to carry out radio communications during a temporary stay in foreign countries that have acceded to Recommendation T/R 61-01 […]
Radio amateur classes Bulgarian radio amateurs, depending on their theoretical and practical training, are classified into two radio amateur classes: Class 1 – equivalent to CERT license; Class 2 – national class. Persons exercising only amateur radio listening activity are radio amateur listeners and receive a listener number, not an […]
The normatively defined term is “IDENTIFICATION MARK”. Other terms with a similar or analogous meaning are found in radio amateur circles: initial – permanent identification mark; call sign(s) – identification sign when working with a radio station; call sign – identification sign when working with a radio station. The prefixes […]
Personal identification marks and the identification marks of amateur repeaters and radio beacons are released in the event of the death of the individual or in case of refusal by the holder to use the identification mark, such as: in case of death of the natural person, a copy of […]