My Latest Radio Contacts
This is an excerpt from QRZ.com for the radio links made by me (Tony, LZ3AI). My latest radio contacts (QSOs) are usually not the last. The sample itself is real-time and shows the latest uploaded to QRZ.com, but not the last ones made and reflected in the local logbook.
They are usually either DX or associated with the acquisition of some degree. Of course there are quite a few others – I never refuse to answer a direct call. It is quite possible that the one who calls me is also fighting for a degree and that I am exactly what he needs. That’s why I always answer.
They all may not have been confirmed by all correspondents yet. Confirmations are visible on QRZ.com but not in the sample. Not all radio amateurs have QRZ.com accounts and therefore not everything works automatically. Another channel where they are automatically confirmed is Logbook of The World, but the sync is also done manually.
In any case, electronic confirmation is many times more convenient and faster than before, when it was done only by QSL-cards sent by post. Like the one in the picture above.