“QRZ” stands for “Who’s Calling Me?”, no more, no less. The classic use of “QRZ” is after CQ when you have failed to receive the initial(s) of the station(s) calling you. It doesn’t mean “Who’s here?”, nor does it mean “Who’s on the frequency?”, much less “Call me please”. If […]
Communications & IT
We assume that you have received a response to your CQ, for example: “LZ2ZZZ here W1ZZZ whiskey one zulu zulu zulu is calling you and listen” or “LZ2ZZZ here W1ZZZ over”. When calling CQ, it should not end with “over”. But when someone answers your CQ, he wants to give […]
Let’s say you want to call DL1ZZZ with whom you have a sked (sked – pre-scheduled connection). Here’s how you should do it: “DL1ZZZ, DL1ZZZ here is LZ2ZZZ calling you for a sked and listening”. Or in short: “DL1ZZZ, DL1ZZZ here LZ2ZZZ, for sked and listen” If, despite your specific […]
Never forget the basic rule: first listen to what is happening on the frequency you will be broadcasting on! After hearing no one on the frequency, you should ask “Is this frequency busy?” or “QRZ?”. Sometimes before transmission it is necessary to tune the transmitter (or antenna tuner). Tuning should […]
No matter the mode of communication, our conversations must be related to the radio amateur hobby. Ham radio is a hobby related to the technique of radio communications in the broad sense of these words. We shouldn’t be using ham radio to broadcast a shopping list for dinner… Some of […]
A QSO is radio contact between two or more hams – a two-way radio connection. Can: to make a general call (CQ), to answer someone’s CQ or to call someone who has just ended their connection with another station. there are other options, but we will focus on them according […]
Repeaters serve primarily to extend the coverage area of portable and mobile VHF/UHF radios. Digipiters and other forms of retransmission in digital modes of operation will not be considered, since things are more or less automatic there. To be “on your side” with the terminology, we will mention what is […]