CRC determines personal identification marks for all Bulgarian radio amateurs. They consist of the letters (national prefix) LZ and a number followed by two or three letters of the Latin alphabet (suffix). For Southern Bulgaria (first zone) the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are used, and for […]
One of the things that radio amateurs have to deal with, whether they like it or not, is the propagation of radio waves. And they study it to be successful. The many radio beacons (beacons) also help with this. There are different headlights. Some broadcast different signals on a certain […]
What is listening activity? The listening activity is something of an “apprenticeship” for a radio amateur. During the listening activity, the novice radio amateur observes what is happening on the air and in practice in this way acquires the knowledge and skills that he will need later. Why is it […]
According to the “Rules for the use of the radio frequency spectrum for radio equipment of the amateur radio service”, a radio amateur is a person holding a permit for the eligibility of a radio amateur or a harmonized radio amateur certificate (HAREC) who, without material interest and for his […]
I, the Bulgarian radio amateur, swear: To be a patriot. To use or lend my station, my knowledge and my skills to help the country and society when necessary. To be a worthy citizen of my Fatherland. To love my country, to obey and observe its laws, to respect the […]
The radio amateur is: Polite He will never operate the scope in such a way as to spoil the enjoyment of others. Loyal He shows loyalty, encouragement, help to other radio amateurs, to local clubs, to his radio amateur organization, which is a member of the IARU and through which […]
As they say, “since I was little” I have been a die-hard fan of DX connections. Maybe it’s because one of my first connections with QRP (reworked “Signal” models radio control – less than a watt) was from Bulgaria (Veliko Tarnovo) with New Caledonia in 1978. I’d even say it […]
Most important Q-codes and fusion characters: AR End of transmission: indicates the end of a transmission that is not addressed to anyone in particular (for example, after the end of CQ). K Over for you: end of the current broadcast in a conversation between two or more stations KN Over […]