Outdoor or indoor antenna? Should we buy or make? Making an antenna is a simple job that is described by three activities: Cutting iron and cables; Pilling, etc.; Screws and nuts. (This is also how you write a book – you press keys in a certain sequence.) In the Faraday […]
Yearly Archives: 2024
Introduction. How mobile internet is developing Remember the big, brick-heavy cell phones of the 90s? With them we could only call and send short SMS. Today, however, our smartphones are powerful pocket computers with which we surf the web, watch high-definition videos and play complex games. This incredible transformation is […]
Choose the perfect Wi-Fi for your network Choose the perfect Wi-Fi for your network Do you remember the time when we connected to the Internet using a modem that sang like an exotic bird? Since then, wireless networks have undergone an incredible evolution. Today, Wi-Fi is an integral part of […]
DeepFake as a tool to manipulate people More and more often I hear: “Oh, no, this is the very truth! They were showing it on TV!”. Another time, “I saw it on video, and not on TV, but in an independent media outlet!” How secure is DeepFake technology? DeepFake is […]
Complete list of ham prefixes This list contains all (or at least almost all) prefixes that can be heard on the radio amateur airwaves as of March 9, 2024. The list has been collected and maintained for years. I hope it will be useful to many fellow radio amateurs. The […]
Complete list of radio amateur codes, abbreviations and expressions I do not claim that it is absolutely complete, I can only claim that it is the complete list that I have heard in my activity as a radio amateur (the last 50 years of my life). Code Meaning Notes . […]
Extending the transmission range Backstory Some time ago, a friend and radio amateur (I’m not writing who he is, because I haven’t asked him if he can) shared that he can’t broadcast on part of the 60m range. He assumed that his Yaesu FTDX-10 transceiver, because it was prepared for […]
Firmware Update of FTDX-10 That sounds scary, but it’s not. Or at least it’s not until something goes wrong – like cutting out your electricity at that very moment. But let’s not be pessimistic… If everything is in order and you follow the procedure, nothing bad should happen. Updating the […]
Two completely redundant settings for FTDX-10 But everyone wants to do them first Do we need to do these two completely redundant settings for FTDX-10? The first is a custom power-on screen. Who doesn’t want to personalize their new radio by having it display their name or call sign? There […]